Alex Boynton

- Assistant Teaching Professor
Contact Info
Malott Hall #3029
Selected Presentations —
“Enemies of Society and Prophets of Doom: Growth and the 1970s Origins of Conservative Anti
Environmentalism,” - Annual meeting of the American Society for Environmental History. Location: Denver, Colorado. (4-06-2024).
“Students and Changing Climates: Teaching Climate Anxiety in Environmental Studies and Environmental History,” - Virtual American Society for American Environmental History Meeting, 2024. Location: Lenexa, Kansas (virtual participation). (3-28-2024).
“No Technical Solutions? Science, Ethics, and Technology in Postwar American Environmental Thought." - Nature and Culture Seminar. Location: Hall Center for the Humanities, Lawrence, KS. (5-06-2022).
“‘Save Energy, Save a Soul’: the Energy Crisis and the Unification of Conservative Anti-environmental Ideas." - Nature and Culture Seminar. Location: Hall Center for the Humanities, Lawrence, KS. (3-04-2016).
“Libertarians, Conservatives, and the Ideological Dissent from the Environmental Mainstream in the 1970s.” - 2016 annual meeting of the Society for U.S. Intellectual History. Location: Washington, D.C. (10-17-2015).
“Formulating an Anti-Environmental Opposition: Neoconservative Intellectuals during the Environmental Decade." - 2015 annual meeting of the American Society for Environmental History. Location: Washington, D.C. (3-21-2015).