Andrew Townsend Peterson

- University Distinguished Professor
Contact Info
Dyche Hall, room #713
Biography —
My work focuses on aspects of the geography of biodiversity, with a focus on tropical ornithology and systematics, distributional ecology, and disease transmission risk mapping. My group of students and colleagues is diverse and global, including people interested in the three themes of my interests, from many countries and backgrounds.
Research —
One component of my research focuses on the alpha taxonomy of birds, as well as on the phylogeny of recently radiated clades of birds. Tied to this focus is work with the basic geography of bird distributions, and with the composition of local avifaunas, based on detailed site inventories and scientific collections around the world. My work with the geographic and ecology of species' distributions, however, has taken me into other fields, including conservation biology and planning, invasive species biology, and disease transmission systems. In the latter field, my work has focused on numerous disease systems, including Chagas Disease, malaria, dengue, leischmaniasis, and ebola/Marburg. In general, my work is collaborative in nature, and usually involves geographers, computer scientists, and biologists.
Selected Publications —
Escobar, Luis E., A. Townsend Peterson, Myriam Favi, Ver├│nica Yung, and Gonzalo Medina-Vogel. “Bat-Borne Rabies in Latin America.” Journal Articles. Revista Do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sâúo Paulo 57 (2015): 63–72.
Sober├│n, J, and A Townsend Peterson. “Biodiversity Governance: A Tower of Babel of Scales and Cultures.” Journal Articles. PLoS Biology, 2015.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Good and Bad News about Ebola.” Journal Articles. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2015.
Manthey, Joseph D., Lindsay P. Campbell, Erin E. Saupe, Jorge Sober├│n, Christopher M. Hensz, Corinne E. Myers, Hannah L. Owens, et al. “A Test of Niche Centrality as a Determinant of Population Trends and Conservation Status in Threatened and Endangered North American Birds.” Journal Articles. Endangered Species Research, 2014.
Campbell, Lindsay P., Caylor Luther, David Moo-Llanes, Janine M. Ramsey, Rogelio Danis-Lozano, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Climate Change Influences on Global Distributions of Dengue and Chikungunya Virus Vectors .” Journal Articles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2014.
Fuente, Jose de la, Christian Gortazar, Leslie A Reperant, Thijs Kuiken, Mariana Boadella, Beatriz Martinez, Jose F Ruiz-Fons, et al. “Crossing the Interspecies Barrier: Opening the Door to Zoonotic Pathogens.” Journal Articles. PLoS Pathogens 10 (2014): Crossing the interspecies barrier: Opening the door to zoonotic pathogens.
Peterson, A Townsend. “Defining Viral Species: Making Taxonomy Useful.” Journal Articles. Virology Journal 11 (2014): 131.
Grady, C.J., X. Li, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Delineating Sea Level Rise Inundation Using a Graph Traversal Algorithm.” Journal Articles. Marine Geodesy 37 (2014): 267–81.
Costa, Jane, L Lynnette Dornak, Carlos Eduardo Almeida, and A Townsend Peterson. “Distributional Potential of the Triatoma Brasiliensis Species Complex at Present and under Scenarios of Future Climate Conditions.” Journal Articles. Parasites & Vectors 7 (2014): 238.
Planas, Enric, Erin E Saupe, Matheus S Lima-Ribeiro, A. Townsend Peterson, and Carles Ribera. “Ecological Niche and Phylogeography Elucidate Complex Biogeographic Patterns in Loxosceles Rufescens (Araneae, Sicariidae) in the Mediterranean Basin.” Journal Articles. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14 (2014): 195.
Fuente, Jos├⌐ de la, Agust├¡n Estrada-Pena, Richard S Ostfeld, A. Townsend Peterson, and Robert Poulin. “Effects of Environmental Change on Zoonotic Disease Risk: An Ecological Primer.” Journal Articles. Trends in Parasitology, 2014.
Poo-Mu├▒oz, Daniela A., Luis E. Escobar, A. Townsend Peterson, Francisca Astorga, John F. Organ, and Gonzalo Medina-Vogel. “Galictis Cuja (Mammalia): An Update of Current Knowledge and Geographic Distribution.” Journal Articles. Iheringia, Série Zoologia 104 (2014): 341–46.
Bonatelli, ISABEL A. S., MANOLO F. Perez, A. Townsend Peterson, NIGEL P. Taylor, DANIELA C. Zappi, MARLON C. Machado, INGRID Koch, ADRIANA H. C. Pires, and EVANDRO M. Moraes. “Interglacial Microrefugia and Diversification of a Cactus Species Complex: Phylogeography and Paleodistributional Reconstructions for Pilosocereus Aurisetus and Allies.” Journal Articles. Molecular Ecology, 2014.
Giles, J. R., A. Townsend Peterson, J. D. Busch, Pia U. Olafson, G. A. Scoles, Ronald B Davey, J Mathews Pound, Diane M Kammlah, Kimberly H Lohmeyer, and David M Wagner. “Invasive Potential of Cattle Fever Ticks in the Southern United States.” Journal Articles. Parasites and Vectors 7 (2014): 189.
Samy, Abdallah M., Lindsay P. Campbell, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Leishmaniasis Transmission: Distribution and Coarse-Resolution Ecology of Two Vectors and Two Parasites in Egypt.” Journal Articles. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, 2014.
Peterson, A. Townsend. Mapping Disease Transmission Risk in Geographic and Ecological Contexts. Books. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.
Sande, Wendy W. J. van de, Abdallah M. Samy, Ahmed Hassan Fahal, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Mapping the Potential Risk of Mycetoma Infection in Sudan and South Sudan Using Ecological Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8 (2014): e3250.
Peterson, A. Townsend, L.M. Moses, and D.G. Bausch. “Mapping Transmission Risk of Lassa Fever in West Africa: The Importance of Quality Control, Sampling Bias, and Error Weighting.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 9 (2014): e100711.
Tocchio, L., R Gurgel-Gon├oalves, Luis E. Escobar, and A Townsend Peterson. “Niche Similarities among White-Eared Opossums (Mammalia, Didelphidae): Is Ecological Niche Modeling Relevant to Setting Species Limits?” Journal Articles. Zoologica Scripta, 2014.
Peterson, A Townsend, and Xingong Li. “Niche-Based Projections of Wetlands Shifts with Marine Intrusion from Sea Level Rise: An Example Analysis for North Carolina.” Journal Articles. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014.
Banks, William E., Thierry Aubry, Francesco DΓÇÖErrico, Jo├úo Zilh├úo, Andr├⌐s Lira-Noriega, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Paléoenvironnements et Adaptations Humaines Au Dernier Maximum Glaciaire: Le Cas Du Badegoulien.” Journal Articles. XXVIIe Congrès Préhistorique de France- Bordeaux-Les Eyzies 2010 (2014): 341–54.
Ibarra-Cerde├▒a, Carlos N., Alejandro Zaldivar-River├│n, A. Townsend Peterson, V├¡ctor S├ínchez-Cordero, and Janine M. Ramsey. “Phylogeny and Niche Conservatism in North and Central American Triatomine Bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae), Vectors of Chagas’ Disease.” Journal Articles. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8 (2014): e3266.
Hosner, Peter A., Luis A. S├ínchez-Gonz├ílez, A. Townsend Peterson, and Robert G. Moyle. “Phylogeographic Structure and Paleo-Environmental Niche Modeling Support Climate-Driven Diversification in Philippine Birds.” Journal Articles. Evolution 68 (2014): 2658–74.
Escobar, Luis E., Andr├⌐s Lira-Noriega, Gonzalo Medina-Vogel, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Potential for Spread of White-Nose Fungus (Pseudogymnoascus Destructans) in the Americas: Using Maxent and NicheA to Assure Strict Model Transference.” Journal Articles. GeoHealth, 2014.
Zhu, G, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Potential Geographic Distribution of the Novel Avian-Origin Influenza A (H7N9) Virus.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 9 (2014): e93390.
Barve, N., Craig E. Martin, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Role of Physiological Optima in Shaping the Geographic Distribution of Spanish Moss.” Journal Articles. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014.
Gowen, Fiona C, James M Maley, Carla Cicero, A. Townsend Peterson, Brant C Faircloth, T Caleb Warr, and John E McCormack. “Speciation in Western Scrub-Jays, Haldane’s Rule, and Genetic Clines in Secondary Contact.” Journal Articles. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14 (2014): 135.
Ya├▒ez-Arenas, Carlos, A. Townsend Peterson, Pierre Mokondoko, Octavio Rojas-Soto, and Enrique Mart├¡nez-Meyer. “The Use of Ecological Niche Modeling to Infer Potential Risk Areas of Snakebite in the Mexican State of Veracruz.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 9 (2014): e100957.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Type Specimens in Modern Ornithology Are Necessary and Irreplaceable.” Journal Articles. Auk, 2014.
Navarro-Sig├╝enza, A. G., M. A. Garc├¡a-Hern├índez, and A. Townsend Peterson. “A New Species of Brush-Finch (Arremon; Emberizidae) from Western Mexico.” Journal Articles. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125 (2013): 443–53.
Peterson, A. T. “Case 3623: Grallaria Fenwickorum Barrera et al., 2010 (Aves, FORMICARIIDAE): Proposed Replacement of an Indeterminate Holotype by a Neotype.” Journal Articles. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 70 (2013): 99–102.
Sousa-Baena, Mariane S., Let├¡cia Couto Garcia, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge of the Plants of Brazil and Priorities for Survey and Inventory.” Journal Articles. Diversity and Distributions online (2013): DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12136.
Owens, Hannah Lois, Lindsay P Campbell, Lynnette Dornak, Erin E Saupe, Narayani Barve, Jorge Sober├│n, Kathryn Ingenloff, et al. “Constraints on Interpretation of Ecological Niche Models by Limited Environmental Ranges on Calibration Areas.” Journal Articles. Ecological Modelling 263 (2013): 10–18.
Navarro-Sig├╝enza, Adolfo G., Ma. Fanny Reb├│n-Gallardo, Alejandro Gordillo-Mart├¡nez, A. Townsend Peterson, Humberto Berlanga-Garc├¡a, and Luis A. S├ínchez-Gonz├ílez. “Diversidad de Las Aves En México.” Journal Articles. Revista Mexicana de La Biodiversidad, 2013.
Escobar, Luis E., A.Townsend Peterson, Myriam Favi, Ver├│nica Yung, Daniel J. Pons, and Gonzalo Medin-Vogel. “Ecology and Geography of Transmission of Two Bat-Borne Rabies Lineages in Chile.” Journal Articles. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2013.
Brown, Rafe M., Cameron D. Siler, Carl H. Oliveros, Jacob A. Esselstyn, Arvin C. Diesmos, Peter A. Hosner, Charles W. Linkem, et al. “Evolutionary Processes of Diversification in a Model Island Archipelago.” Journal Articles. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44 (2013): 411–35.
Islam, M. Zafar-ul, Shaily Menon, Xingong Li, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Forecasting Ecological Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Conservation Areas in India.” Journal Articles. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2013.
Hannah, Lee, Makihiko Ikegami, David G. Hole, Changwan Seo, Stuart H. M. Butchart, A. Townsend Peterson, and Patrick R. Roehrdanz. “Global Climate Change Adaptation Priorities for Biodiversity and Food Security.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE, 2013.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and C. M. Ammann. “Global Patterns of Connectivity and Isolation of Populations of Forest Bird Species in the Late Pleistocene.” Journal Articles. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (2013): 596–606.
Sousa-Baena, Mariane S., Let├¡cia Couto Garcia, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Knowledge behind Conservation Status Decisions: Data Basis for ‘Data Deficient’ Brazilian Plant Species.” Journal Articles. Biological Conservation, 2013.
Escobar, Luis E., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Letter to Editor: Spatial Epidemiology of Bat-Borne Rabies in Colombia.” Journal Articles. Pan American Journal of Public Health 34 (2013): 135–36.
Nakazawa, Yoshinori, R. Ryan Lash, Darin S. Carroll, Inger K. Damon, Kevin L. Karem, Mary G. Reynolds, Jorge E. Osorio, et al. “Mapping Monkeypox Transmission Risk through Time and Space in the Congo Basin.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e74816.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Mapping Risk of Nipah Virus Transmission across Asia and across Bangladesh.” Journal Articles. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2013.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Ada Emmett, and Marc L. Greenberg. “Open Access and the Author-Pays Problem: Assuring Access for Readers and Authors in a Global Community of Scholars.” Journal Articles. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 1 (2013): eP1064.
Bentlage, Bastian, A. Townsend Peterson, Narayani Barve, and Paulyn Cartwright. “Plumbing the Depths: Extending Ecological Niche Modeling and Species Distribution Modeling in Three Dimensions.” Journal Articles. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2013.
Oliveira, Stefan Vilges de, Luis E. Escobar, A. Townsend Peterson, and Rodrigo Gurgel-Gon├oalves. “Potential Geographic Distribution of Hantavirus Reservoirs in Brazil.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE, 2013.
Gardner, Scott L., Altangerelel T. Dursahinhan, G├íbor R. R├ícz, Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, Ganzorig G. Sumiya, David S. Tinnin, Darmaa Damdinbazar, et al. “Sylvatic Species of Echinococcus from Rodent Intermediate Hosts in Asia and South America.” Journal Articles. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Texas Tech University 318 (2013): 1–13.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Thomas Radocy, Erin Hall, Julian P. Kerbis, and Gastone G. Celesia. “The Potential Distribution of the African Lion in the Face of Changing Global Climate.” Journal Articles. Oryx in press (2013).
Hosner, P.A., M. B. Robbins, T. Valqui, and A. Townsend Peterson. “A New Species of Scytalopus Tapaculo (Aves: Passeriformes: Rhinocryptidae) from the Andes of Central Peru.” Journal Articles. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 2012.
Rohwer, S. A., A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, and A. T. Peterson. “Assessing Migratory Double Breeding through Complementary Specimen Densities and Breeding Records.” Journal Articles. Condor 114 (2012): 1–14.
Barve, Narayani, Alvin J. Bonilla, Julia Brandes, J. Christopher Brown, Nathaniel Brunsell, Ferdouz V. Cochran, Rebecca J. Crosthwait, et al. “Climate Change and Lethal Conditions for Overwintering Monarch Butterflies.” Journal Articles. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 83 (2012): 817–24.
Emmett, Ada, Lorraine J. Haricombe, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Congress Has a Role to Play in Making Research Public.” Journal Articles. Chronicle of Higher Education 16 March 2012 (2012): A40.
Ramsey, Janine M., Ann E. Guti├⌐rrez-Cabrera, Liliana Salgado-Ram├¡rez, A. Townsend Peterson, V. S├ínchez-Cordero, and Carlos N. Ibarra-Cerde├▒a. “Ecological Connectivity of Trypanosoma Cruzi Reservoirs and Triatoma Pallidipennis Hosts in an Anthropogenic Landscape with Endemic Chagas Disease.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 7 (2012): e46013.
Costa, Jane, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Ecological Niche Modeling as a Tool for Understanding Distributions and Interactions of Vectors, Hosts, and Etiologic Agents of Chagas Disease.” Journal Articles. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 710 (2012): 59–70.
Mart├¡nez-Meyer, Enrique, Daniel D├¡az-Porras, A. Townsend Peterson, and Carlos Y├í├▒ez-Arenas. “Ecological Niche Structure Determines Rangewide Abundance Patterns of Species.” Journal Articles. Biology Letters 9 (2012): 20120637.
Ellis, Christine K., Darin S. Carroll, Ryan R. Lash, A. Townsend Peterson, Inger K. Damon, Jean Malekani, and Pierre Formenty. “Ecology and Geography of Human Monkeypox Case Occurrences across Africa.” Journal Articles. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48 (2012): 335–47.
Lash, R. Ryan, Darin S. Carroll, Christine M. Hughes, Yoshinori Nakazawa, Kevin Karem, Inger K. Damon, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Effects of Georeferencing Effort on Mapping Monkeypox Case Distributions and Transmission Risk.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Health Geographics 11 (2012): 23.
Bond, N.G., L.M. Moses, A.Townsend Peterson, J.N. Mills, and D.G. Bausch. “Environmental Aspects of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers.” Book Chapters. In Praeger Handbook of Environmental Health, edited by R.H. Friis, 133–61. Santa Barbara: Praeger Publishing Company, 2012.
Gurgel-Gon├oalves, Rodrigo, Cleber Galv├úo, J. Costa, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Geographic Distribution of Chagas Disease Vectors in Brazil Based on Ecological Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. Journal of Tropical Medicine 2012 (2012): 705326.
Williams, R. J. A., Joel M. Montgomery, B. Ghersi, Victor Gonzalez, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Influenza A Virus Infections in Non-Migrant Land Birds in Andean Peru.” Journal Articles. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48 (2012): 910–17.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and J Sober├│n. “Integrating Fundamental Concepts of Ecology, Biogeography, and Sampling into Effective Ecological Niche Modeling and Species Distribution Modeling.” Journal Articles. Journal of Plant Biosciences 146 (2012): 789–96.
Donalisio, Maria Rita, A. Townsend Peterson, Pietra Lemos Costa, Fernadno Jos├⌐ Silva, Helio Fran├oa Valen├oa, Jeffrey J. Shaw, and Sinval Pinto Brand├úo-Filho. “Microspatial Distributional Patterns of Vectors of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil.” Journal Articles. Journal of Tropical Medicine 2012 (2012): 642910.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and Mark T. Holder. “Phylogenetic Assessment of Filoviruses: How Many Lineages of Marburgvirus?” Journal Articles. Ecology and Evolution 2 (2012): 1826–33.
Owens, Hannah L., Andrew C. Bentley, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Predicting Suitable Environments and Potential Occurrences for Coelacanths (Latimeria Spp.).” Journal Articles. Biodiversity and Conservation 21 (2012): 577–87.
Fiaboe, K.K.M., A. Townsend Peterson, M.T. Kairo, and A.L. Roda. “Predicting the Potential Worldwide Distribution of the Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Using Ecological Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. Florida Entomologist 95 (2012): 659–73.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Prototype System for Tracking and Forecasting Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Spread in North America.” Journal Articles. Studies in Avian Biology in press (2012).
Menon, S., M. L. Khan, A. Paul, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Rhododendron Species in the Indian Eastern Himalayas: New Approaches to Understanding Rare Plant Species’ Distributions.” Journal Articles. Journal of the American Rhododendron Society Spring 2012 (2012): 78–84.
Pape┼ƒ, M., A. Townsend Peterson, and G. Asner. “Seasonal Variation in Spectral Signatures of Five Genera of Rainforest Trees.” Journal Articles. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), 2012.
Arboleda, S., N. Jaramillo-O., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Aedes Aegypti Breeding Sites in Bello, Colombia.” Journal Articles. Journal of Vector Ecology 37 (2012): 37–48.
Dornak, L. L., Narayani Barve, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Spatial Scaling of Prevalence and Population Variation in Three Grassland Sparrows.” Journal Articles. Condor, 2012.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and J Sober├│n. “Species Distribution Modeling and Ecological Niche Modeling: Getting the Concepts Right.” Journal Articles. Natureza e Conserva├o├úo 10 (2012): 1–6.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and B. S. Lieberman. “Species’ Geographic Distributions through Time: Playing Catchup with Changing Climates.” Journal Articles. Evolution, Education and Outreach 5 (2012): 569–81.
Ara├║jo, M. B., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Uses and Misuses of Bioclimatic Envelope Modelling.” Journal Articles. Ecology 93 (2012): 1527–39.
Saupe, E., V. Barve, C. Myers, J. Sober├│n, N. Barve, C. Hensz, A. Townsend Peterson, H. L. Owens, and A. Lira-Noriega. “Variation in Niche and Distribution Model Performance: The Need for a Priori Assessment of Key Causal Factors.” Journal Articles. Ecological Modelling 237ΓÇô238 (2012): 11–22.
Pape┼ƒ, Monica, A. Townsend Peterson, and G. V. N. Powell. “Vegetation Dynamics and Avian Seasonal Migration: Clues from Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices and Ecological Niche Modelling.” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 39 (2012): 652–64.
Williams, Richard A.J., Ana V├ízquez, Ivy Asante, Kofi Bonney, Shirley Odoom, Naiki Puplampu, William Ampofo, Mar├¡a Paz S├ínchez-Seco, Antonio Tenorio, and A.Townsend Peterson. “Yaoundé-like Virus in Resident Wild Bird, Ghana.” Journal Articles. African Journal of Microbiology Research 6 (2012): 1966–69.
Bodbyl-Roels, Sarah, A. Townsend Peterson, and Xiangming Xiao. “Comparative Analysis of Remotely-Sensed Data Products via Ecological Niche Modeling of Avian Influenza Case Occurrences in Middle Eastern Poultry.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Health Geographics 10 (2011): 21.
Mandle, Lisa, Dan L. Warren, Matthias H. Hoffmann, A. Townsend Peterson, Johanna Schmitt, and Eric J. von Wettberg. “Conclusions about Niche Expansion in Introduced Impatiens Walleriana Populations Depend on Method of Analysis.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 5 (2011): e15297.
Williams, Richard, X Xiao, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Continent-Wide Association of H5N1 Outbreaks in Wild and Domestic Birds in Europe.” Journal Articles. Geospatial Health 5 (2011): 247–53.
Gonz├ílez, Camila, Eduardo Rebollar, Sergio Ib├í├▒ez-Bernal, Ingeborg Becker, Enrique Martinez Meyer, A. Townsend Peterson, and Victor S├ínchez-Cordero. “Current Knowledge on Leishmania Vectors in Mexico: How Species’ Geographic Distributions Relate to Transmission Areas.” Journal Articles. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 85 (2011): 839–46.
Peterson, A. T. “Ecological Niche Conservatism: A Time-Structured Review of Evidence.” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 38 (2011): 817–27.
Sober├│n, J., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Ecological Niche Shifts and Environmental Space Anisotropy: A Cautionary Note.” Journal Articles. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 82 (2011): 1348–53.
Donalisio, M. Rita, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Environmental Factors Affecting Transmission Risk for Hantaviruses in Forested Portions of Southern Brazil.” Journal Articles. Acta Tropica 119 (2011): 125–30.
Bonaccorso, E., J. M. Guayasamin, A. Townsend Peterson, and A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Molecular Phylogeny and Systematics of Neotropical Toucanets in the Genus Aulacorhynchus (Aves, Ramphastidae).” Journal Articles. Zoologica Scripta 40 (2011): 346–49.
Schukman, J., A. Lira-Noriega, and A. T. Peterson. “Multiscalar Ecological Characterization of Say’s and Eastern Phoebes and Their Zone of Contact in the Great Plains.” Journal Articles. Condor 113 (2011): 372–84.
Berg, Elena C., Robert A. Aldredge, A. Townsend Peterson, and John E. McCormack. “New Phylogenetic Information Suggests Both an Increase and at Least One Loss of Cooperative Breeding during the Evolutionary History of Aphelocoma Jays.” Journal Articles. Evolutionary Ecology 26, no. 1 (2011): 43–54.
Barve, Narayani, Vijay Barve, Alberto Jim├⌐nez-Valverde, Andr├⌐s Lira-Noriega, Sean P. Maher, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Sober├│n, and Fabricio Villalobos. “The Crucial Role of the Accessible Area in Ecological Niche Modeling and Species Distribution Modeling.” Journal Articles. Ecological Modelling 222 (2011): 1810–19.
Emmett, Ada, John Stratton, A. Townsend Peterson, Jennifer Church-Duran, and Lorraine J. Haricombe. “Toward Open Access: It Takes a ‘Village.’” Journal Articles. Journal of Library Administration 51 (2011): 557–79.
Jim├⌐nez-Valverde, A., A. Townsend Peterson, J. Sober├│n, J. Overton, P. Arag├│n, and J. M. Lobo. “Use of Niche Models in Invasive Species Risk Assessments.” Journal Articles. Biological Invasions 13 (2011): 2785–97.
Navarro-Sig├╝enza, A. G., A. Lira-Noriega, M. C. Arizmendi, H. Berlanga, P. Koleff, J. Garc├¡a-Moreno, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Áreas de Conservación Para Las Aves de México: Integrando Criterios de Priorización.” Book Chapters. In Planeaci├│n Para La Conservaci├│n de La Biodiversidad Terrestre En M├⌐xico: Retos En Un Pa├¡s Megadiverso, edited by CONABIO-CONANP, 108–29. Mexico City: Comisi├│n Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad and Comisi├│n de ├üreas Naturales Protegidas, 2011.
Gilman, Eric L., Nicholas King, A. Townsend Peterson, Vishwas Chavan, and Andrea Hahn. “Building the Biodiversity Data Commons: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).” Book Chapters. In ICT for Biodiversity, edited by Lisa Maurer, 79–102. Graz, Austria: Knowledge Management Institute, 2010.
McCormack, J.E., K. S. Delaney, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Calibrating Divergence Times on Species Trees versus Gene Trees: Implications for Speciation History of Aphelocoma Jays.” Journal Articles. Evolution 65 (2010): 184–202.
Jim├⌐nez-Valverde, Alberto, Narayani Barve, Andr├⌐s Lira-Noriega, Sean P. Maher, Yoshinori Nakazawa, Monica Pape┼ƒ, Jorge Sober├│n, Jeet Sukumaran, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Dominant Climate Influences on North American Bird Distributions.” Journal Articles. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20 (2010): 114–18.
Nakazawa, Yoshinori, Richard Williams, A. Townsend Peterson, Paul Mead, K. Kugeler, and J. Petersen. “Ecological Niche Modeling of Francisella Tularensis Subspecies and Clades in the United States.” Journal Articles. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 82 (2010): 912–18.
Menon, Shaily, B. I. Choudhury, M. L. Khan, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Ecological Niche Modeling Predicts New Populations of Gymnocladus Assamicus, a Critically Endangered Tree Species.” Journal Articles. Endangered Species Research 11 (2010): 175–81.
Giles, John, A. Townsend Peterson, and Alzira Almeida. “Ecology and Geography of Plague Transmission Areas in Northeastern Brazil.” Journal Articles. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 5 (2010): e925.
Rosa-Freitas, M. G., P. Tsouris, J. F. Luitgards-Moura, A. Townsend Peterson, and N. A. Honorio. “Ecorregiões de Roraima: A Importância Da Paisagem Na Epidemiologia Da Malária.” Book Chapters. In Roraima: Homem, Ambiente y Ecologia, edited by R. I. Barbosa and V. F. Melo, 431–49. Boa Vista: Funda├o├úo Estadual do Meio Ambiente, Ci├¬ncia e Tecnologia, 2010.
Esselstyn, J. A., C. H. Oliveros, R. G. Moyle, A. Townsend Peterson, J. A. McGuire, and R. M. Brown. “Integrating Phylogenetic and Taxonomic Evidence Illuminates Complex Biogeographic Patterns along Huxley’s Modification of Wallace’s Line.” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 37 (2010): 2054–66.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Xingong Li, and A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Joint Effects of Marine Intrusion and Climate Change on the Mexican Avifauna.” Journal Articles. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100 (2010): 908–16.
Ny├íri, ├ürp├íd S., A. Townsend Peterson, and Galen B. Rathbun. “Late Pleistocene Potential Distribution of the North African Elephant-Shrew Elephantulus Rozeti (Mammalia: Macroscelidea).” Journal Articles. African Zoology 45 (2010): 330–39.
Jim├⌐nez-Valverde, Alberto, Andr├⌐s Lira-Noriega, A. Townsend Peterson, and Jorge Sober├│n. “Marshalling Existing Biodiversity Data to Evaluate Biodiversity Status and Trends in Planning Exercises.” Journal Articles. Ecological Research 25 (2010): 947–57.
Bonaccorso, E. A., A. Townsend Peterson, Adolfo G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, and Robert C. Fleischer. “Molecular Systematics and Evolution of the Cyanocorax Jays.” Journal Articles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54 (2010): 897–909.
Haverkost, T. R., S. L. Gardner, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Predicting the Distribution of a Parasite Using the Ecological Niche Model, GARP.” Journal Articles. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 81 (2010): 895–902.
Menon, Shaily, J. Sober├│n, X. Li, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Preliminary Global Assessment of Terrestrial Biodiversity Consequences of Sea Level Rise Mediated by Climate Change.” Journal Articles. Biodiversity and Conservation 19 (2010): 1599–1609.
Maher, Sean P., Christine Ellis, Kenneth L. Gage, Russell E. Enscore, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Range-Wide Determinants of Plague Distribution in North America.” Journal Articles. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 (2010): 736–42.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Shaily Menon, and Xingong Li. “Recent Advances in the Climate Change Biology Literature: Describing the Whole Elephant: Recent Advances in the Climate Change Biology Literature.” Journal Articles. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews / Climate Change 1, no. 4 (2010): 548–55.
Brand├úo-Filho, S. P, M. R. Donalisio, F. J. da Silva, H. F. Valen├oa, P. L. Costa, J. J. Shaw, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Occurrence of Lutzomyia Sand Fly Species in an Endemic Area for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Atlantic Forest Region of Northeast Brazil.” Journal Articles. Journal of Vector Ecology 36 (2010): 571–76.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Sandra Knapp, Robert Guralnick, Jorge Sober├│n, and Mark T. Holder. “The Big Questions for Biodiversity Informatics.” Journal Articles. Systematics and Biodiversity 8 (2010): 159–68.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “The Critical Role of Permanent Voucher Specimens of Hosts and Vectors in Public Health and Epidemiology.” Journal Articles. Emerging Infectious Diseases 16 (2010): 341–42.
Pape┼ƒ, M., R. Tupayachi, P. Mart├¡nez, A. Townsend Peterson, and G. V. N. Powell. “Using Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery for Regional Inventories: A Test with Tropical Emergent Trees in the Amazon Basin.” Journal Articles. Journal of Vegetation Science 21 (2010): 342–54.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Michael J. Andersen, Sarah Bodbyl-Roels, Pete Hosner, ├ürp├íd Ny├íri, Carl Oliveros, and Monica Pape┼ƒ. “A Prototype Forecasting System for Bird-Borne Disease Spread in North America Based on Migratory Bird Movements.” Journal Articles. Epidemics 1 (2009): 240–49.
DeVaney, Shannon C., Kristina M. McNyset, Justin B. Williams, A. Townsend Peterson, and Edward O. Wiley. “A Tale of Four ‘Carp:’ Invasion Potential and Ecological Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 4 (2009): e5451.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Civil War and Rain Forests in the Chimalapas.” Book Chapters. In Moments of Discovery: Natural History Narratives from Mexico and Central America, edited by K. Winker. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2009.
Celesia, Gastone, A. Townsend Peterson, Julian Kerbis-Peterhans, and Thomas Gnoske. “Climate and Landscape Correlates of African Lion (Panthera Leo) Demography.” Journal Articles. African Journal of Ecology 48 (2009): 58–71.
Roura-Pascual, Nuria, Lluis Brotons, A. Townsend Peterson, and W. Thuiller. “Consensual Predictions of Potential Distributional Areas for Invasive Species: A Case Study of Argentine Ants in the Iberian Peninsula.” Journal Articles. Biological Invasions 11 (2009): 1017–31.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Constructing Check-Lists and Avifauna-Wide Reviews: Mexican Bird Taxonomy Revisited.” Journal Articles. Auk 126 (2009): 915–21.
Almeida, C. E., E. Folly-Ramos, A. Townsend Peterson, V. Lima-Neiva, M. Gumiel, R. Duarte, M. Locks, M. Beltr├úo, and J. Costa. “Could the Bug Triatoma Sherlocki Be Vectoring Chagas Disease in Small Mining Communities in Bahia, Brazil?” Journal Articles. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 23 (2009): 410–17.
Barros Ferraz, Katia Maria P. M., A. Townsend Peterson, Ricardo S. Pereira, C. A. Vettorazzi, and L. M. Verdade. “Distribution of Capybaras in an Agroecosystem, Southeastern Brazil, Based on Ecological Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. Journal of Mammalogy 90 (2009): 189–94.
De Meyer, M., M. P. Robertson, M. W. Mansell, S. Ekesi, K. Tsuruta, W. Mwaiko, J.-F. Vayssi├¿res, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Ecological Niche and Potential Geographic Distribution of the Invasive Fruit Fly Bactrocera Invadens (Diptera, Tephritidae).” Journal Articles. Bulletin of Entomological Research 100 (2009): 35–48.
Anci├úes, M., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Ecological Niches and Their Evolution among Neotropical Manakins (Aves: Pipridae).” Journal Articles. Journal of Avian Biology 40 (2009): 591–604.
Williams, Richard A.J., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Ecology and Geography of Avian Influenza (HPAI H5N1) Transmission in the Middle East and Northeastern Africa.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Health Geographics 8 (2009): 47.
Ibarra-Cerde├▒a, Carlos N., Victor S├ínchez-Cordero, A. Townsend Peterson, and Janine M. Ramsey. “Ecology of North American Triatominae.” Journal Articles. Acta Tropica 110, no. 2–3 (2009): 178–86.
Jim├⌐nez-Valverde, A., Yoshinori Nakazawa, A. Lira-Noriega, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Environmental Correlation Structure and Ecological Niche Model Projections.” Journal Articles. Biodiversity Informatics 6 (2009): 28–35.
Vanak, A. T., M. Irfan-Ullah, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Gap Analysis of Indian Fox Conservation Using Ecological Niche Modelling.” Journal Articles. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 105 (2009): 49–54.
Setiadi, M. I., A. Hamidy, Z. Abidin, D. Susanto, R. Brown, A. Townsend Peterson, X. Li, and B. J. Evans. “Genetic Structure of Herpetofauna on Halmahera Island, Indonesia: Implications for Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park.” Journal Articles. Conservation Biology 24 (2009): 553–62.
Neerinckx, Simon B, A. Townsend Peterson, Hubert Gulinck, Jozef Deckers, and Herwig Leirs. “Geographic Distribution and Ecological Niche of Plague in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Health Geographics 7 (2009): 54.
Bush, S. E., C. W. Harbison, D. Slager, A. T. Peterson, R. D. Price, and D. H. Clayton. “Geographic Variation in the Community Structure of Lice on Western Scrub-Jays.” Journal Articles. Journal of Parasitology 95 (2009): 10–13.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on Ecosystems [Review].” Journal Articles. Quarterly Review of Biology 84 (2009): 406.
Bentlage, B., A. Townsend Peterson, and P. Cartwright. “Inferring Distributions of Chirodropid Box-Jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) in Geographic and Ecological Space Using Ecological Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. Marine Ecology Progress Series 384 (2009): 121–33.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Sarah E. Bush, E. Spackman, D. E. Swayne, and Hon S. Ip. “Influenza A Virus Infections in Chinese Landbirds.” Journal Articles. Emerging Infectious Diseases 14 (2009): 1644–46.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and Adolfo G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Making Biodiversity Discovery More Efficient: An Exploratory Test Using Mexican Birds.” Journal Articles. Zootaxa 2246 (2009): 58–66.
Navarro-Sig├╝enza, A. G., A. Gordillo-Mart├¡nez, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Mapeando La Diversidad de Las Aves de México.” Journal Articles. TIP Revista Especializada En Ciencias Químico-Biológicas 12 (2009): 91–95.
Arboleda, S., N. Jaramillo-O., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Mapping Environmental Dimensions of Dengue Fever Transmission Risk in the Aburrá Valley, Colombia.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 6 (2009): 3040–55.
Sober├│n, J., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Monitoring Biodiversity Loss with Primary Species-Occurrence Data: Toward National-Level Indicators for the 2010 Target of the Convention on Biological Diversity.” Journal Articles. AMBIO 38 (2009): 29–34.
Costa, Jane, A. Townsend Peterson, and Jean Pierre Dujardin. “Morphological Evidence Suggests Homoploid Hybridization as a Possible Mode of Speciation in the Triatominae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae).” Journal Articles. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 9 (2009): 263–70.
Banks, William E., Francesco dΓÇÖErrico, A. Townsend Peterson, Masa Kageyama, Adriana Sima, and Maria-Fernanda S├ínchez-Go├▒i. “Neanderthal Extinction by Competitive Exclusion.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 3 (2009): e3972.
Koleff, P., J. Sober├│n, H. T. Arita, P. D├ívila, O. Flores-Villela, J. Golubov, G. Halffter, et al. “Patrones de Diversidad Espacial En Grupos Selectos de Especies.” Book Chapters. In Segundo Estudio de Pa├¡s: Conocimiento Actual de La Biodiversidad, edited by CONABIO, 323–64. Mexico City: Comisi├│n Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, 2009.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and E. Mart├¡nez-Meyer. “Pervasive Poleward Shifts among North American Bird Species.” Journal Articles. Biodiversity 9 (2009): 14–16.
Ny├íri, ├ürp├íd S, A. Townsend Peterson, Nathan H Rice, and Robert G Moyle. “Phylogenetic Relationships of Flowerpeckers (Aves: Dicaeidae): Novel Insights into the Evolution of a Tropical Passerine Clade.” Journal Articles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009): 613–19.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Phylogeography Is Not Enough: The Need for Multiple Lines of Evidence.” Journal Articles. Frontiers in Biogeography 1 (2009): 19–25.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Amber Robbins, Robert Restifo, James Howell, and Roger Nasci. “Predictable Ecology and Geography of West Nile Virus Transmission in the Central United States.” Journal Articles. Journal of Vector Ecology 33 (2009): 342–52.
Neerinckx, Simon B, A. Townsend Peterson, H. Gulinck, J. Deckers, Didas Kimaro, and H. Leirs. “Predicting Potential Risk Areas of Human Plague for the Western Usambara Mountains, Lushoto District, Tanzania.” Journal Articles. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 82 (2009): 492–500.
Menon, Shaily, Zafar-ul Islam, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Projected Climate Change Effects on Nuthatch Distribution and Diversity across Asia.” Journal Articles. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2009): 569–75.
Guralnick, Robert, Heather Constable, John Wieczorek, Craig Moritz, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Sharing: Lessons from Natural History’s Success Story.” Journal Articles. Nature 462 (2009): 34.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Shifting Malaria Transmission Risk across Africa with Warming Climates.” Journal Articles. BMC Infectious Diseases 9 (2009): 59.
Siqueira, M. F. de, Giselda Durigan, Paulo de Marco J├║nior, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Something from Nothing: Using Landscape Similarity and Ecological Niche Modeling to Find Rare Plant Species.” Journal Articles. Journal for Nature Conservation 17 (2009): 25–32.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Narayani Barve, Luis Mauricio Bini, Jos├⌐ Alexandre Diniz-Filho, Alberto Jim├⌐nez-Valverde, Andr├⌐s Lira-Noriega, Jorge M. Lobo, et al. “The Climate Envelope May Not Be Empty.” Journal Articles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106 (2009): E47.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and Robert G. Moyle. “A Reappraisal of Recent Taxonomic Reappraisals Based on Character Scoring Systems.” Journal Articles. Forktail 24 (2008): 110–12.
Ramirez-Bastida, P., A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Aquatic Bird Distributions in Mexico: Designing Conservation Approaches Quantitatively.” Journal Articles. Biodiversity and Conservation 17 (2008): 2525–58.
Legra, Leo, Xingong Li, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Biodiversity Consequences of Sea Level Rise in New Guinea.” Journal Articles. Pacific Conservation Biology 13 (2008): 191–99.
., R.M. Brown., B.K. Lim, J.L. Eger, A. Townsend Peterson, M.B. Robbins, D.H. Clayton, and S.E. Bush. “Biodiversity in China: Lost in the Masses?” Journal Articles. Harvard Asia Quarterly 11 (2008): 12–23.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Biogeography of Diseases: A Framework for Analysis.” Journal Articles. Naturwissenschaften 95 (2008): 483–91.
Oliveros, Carl, A. Townsend Peterson, and Mark Jason C. Villa. “Birds, Babuyan Islands, Cagayan Province, Northern Philippines: New Island Distribution Records.” Journal Articles. Check List 4 (2008): 137–41.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Brazilian Scientific Collections: New Opportunities and New Possibilities.” Book Chapters. In Anais Do II Simposio Nacional de Cole├o├╡es Cient├¡ficas, edited by A. T. Aranda and S. C Thiengo, 67–69. Rio de Janeiro: Corb├ú Editora Artes Gr├íficas Ltda., 2008.
Zendejas-Mart├¡nez, H., A. Townsend Peterson, and F. Mili├ín-Suazo. “Coarse-Scale Spatial and Ecological Analysis of Tuberculosis in Cattle: An Investigation in Jalisco, Mexico.” Journal Articles. Geospatial Health 3 (2008): 29–38.
Mungu├¡a, M., A. Townsend Peterson, and V. S├ínchez-Cordero. “Dispersal Limitation and Geographical Distributions of Mammal Species.” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 35 (2008): 1879–87.
Reed, Kurt D., Jennifer K. Meece, John R. Archer, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Ecologic Niche Modeling of Blastomyces Dermatitidis in Wisconsin.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 3 (2008): e2034.
Menon, S., Z. Islam, J. Sober├│n, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Ecological and Geographic Analysis of the Asian Nuthatches (Aves: Sittidae).” Journal Articles. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120 (2008): 692–99.
Wisz, M. S., R. Hijmans, Jin Li, A. Townsend Peterson, C.H. Graham, and A. Guisan. “Effects of Sample Size on the Performance of Species Distribution Models.” Journal Articles. Diversity and Distributions 14 (2008): 763–73.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and Yoshinori Nakazawa. “Environmental Data Sets Matter in Ecological Niche Modeling: An Example with Solenopsis Invicta and Solenopsis Richteri.” Journal Articles. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17 (2008): 135–44.
Bush, Sarah E., Christopher W. Harbison, David Slager, A. Townsend Peterson, Roger D. Price, and Dale H. Clayton. “Geographic Variation in the Community Structure of Lice on Western Scrub-Jays.” Journal Articles. Journal of Parasitology 95 (2008): 10–13.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Improving Methods for Reporting Spatial Epidemiologic Data.” Journal Articles. Emerging Infectious Diseases 14 (2008): 1335–36.
Oliveras de Ita, Adan, G├│mez de Silva, H., O. R. Rojas-Soto, E. Mart├¡nez-Meyer, Adolfo G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Modeling Distributions of Relict Populations of the Sierra Madre Sparrow.” Journal Articles. Journal of Field Ornithology 79 (2008): 245–53.
Ortega-Huerta, M. A., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Modeling Ecological Niches and Predicting Geographic Distributions: A Test of Six Presence-Only Methods.” Journal Articles. Revista Mexicana de La Biodiversidad 79 (2008): 205–16.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Parsimony Analysis of Endemism and Studies of Mexican Biogeography.” Journal Articles. Revista Mexicana de La Biodiversidad 79 (2008): 541–42.
Eaton, M. D., J. Sober├│n, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Phylogenetic Perspective on Ecological Niche Evolution in American Blackbirds (Family Icteridae).” Journal Articles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94 (2008): 869–78.
Honey-Escand├│n, Magali, B. E. Hern├índez-Ba├▒os, A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, H. Ben├¡tez-D├¡az, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Phylogeographic Patterns of Differentiation in the Acorn Woodpecker.” Journal Articles. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120 (2008): 478–93.
Cort├⌐s-Rodr├¡guez, N., B. E. Hern├índez-Ba├▒os, A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, A. Townsend Peterson, and Jaime Garc├¡a-Moreno. “Phylogeography and Population Genetics of the Amethyst-Throated Hummingbird (Lampornis Amethystinus).” Journal Articles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 48 (2008): 1–11.
Navarro-Sig├╝enza, Adolfo G., A. Townsend Peterson, ├ürp├íd Ny├íri, G. M. Garc├¡a-Deras, and J. Garc├¡a-Moreno. “Phylogeography of the Buarremon Brush-Finch Complex (Aves, Emberizidae) in Mesoamerica.” Journal Articles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47 (2008): 21–35.
Bonaccorso, E., A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, L. A. S├ínchez-Gonz├ílez, A. T. Peterson, and J. Garc├¡a-Moreno. “Phylogeography of the Chlorospingus Ophthalmicus Complex of Mexico and Central America.” Journal Articles. Journal of Avian Biology 39 (2008): 311–21.
Foley, Desmond H, L. M. Rueda, A. Townsend Peterson, and R. C. Wilkerson. “Potential Distribution of Two Species in the Medically Important Anopheles Minimus Complex (Diptera: Culicidae).” Journal Articles. Journal of Medical Entomology 45 (2008): 852–60.
Williams, Richard, Folorunso O. Fasina, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Predictable Ecology and Geography of Avian Influenza (H5N1) Transmission in Nigeria and West Africa .” Journal Articles. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 102 (2008): 471–79.
Toribio, M., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Prioritisation of Mexican Lowland Forests for Conservation Using Modelled Geographic Distributions of Birds.” Journal Articles. Journal for Nature Conservation 16 (2008): 109–16.
Banks, William E, Francesco dΓÇÖErrico, A. Townsend Peterson, Masa Kageyama, and G. Columbeau. “Reconstructing Ecological Niches and Geographic Distributions of Caribou (Rangifer Tarandus) and Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus) during the Last Glacial Maximum.” Journal Articles. Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (2008): 2568–75.
Peterson, A. T., M. Pape┼ƒ, and J. Sober├│n. “Rethinking Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis Applications in Ecological Niche Modelling.” Journal Articles. Ecological Modelling 213 (2008): 63–72.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and Richard Williams. “Risk Mapping of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Distribution and Spread.” Journal Articles. Ecology and Society 13 (2008): 15 online.
Peterson, A. Townsend, A. Stewart, K. I. Mohamed, and M. B. Ara├║jo. “Shifting Global Invasive Potential of European Plants with Climate Change.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 3 (2008): e2441.
Lash, Ryan L., N. Brunsell, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Spatiotemporal Environmental Triggers of Ebola and Marburg Virus Transmission.” Journal Articles. Geocarto International 23 (2008): 451–66.
Espinosa de los Monteros, A., F. Puebla-Olivares, E Bonaccorso, K. E. Omland, J. E. Llorente-Bousquets, A. T. Peterson, and A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Speciation in the Emerald Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus Prasinus) Complex.” Journal Articles. Auk 125 (2008): 39–50.
McCormack, J. E., A. Townsend Peterson, E. Bonaccorso, and T. B. Smith. “Speciation in the Highlands of Mexico: Genetic and Phenotypic Divergence in the Mexican Jay (Aphelocoma Ultramarina).” Journal Articles. Molecular Ecology 17 (2008): 2505–21.
Navarro-Sig├╝enza, A. G., R. Ortiz-Pulido, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Un Panorama Breve de La Historia de La Ornitología Mexicana.” Journal Articles. Ornitologia Neotropical 19 (2008): 367–79.
Gillam, J. C., D. G. Anderson, and A. Townsend Peterson. “A Continental-Scale Perspective on the Peopling of the Americas: Modeling Geographic Distributions and Ecological Niches of Pleistocene Populations.” Journal Articles. Current Research in the Pleistocene 24 (2007): 19–22.
Bonaccorso, E., and A. T. Peterson. “A Multilocus Phylogeny of New World Jay Genera.” Journal Articles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42 (2007): 467–76.
Barros, F├íbio Saito Monteiro de, Gurgel, Helen da Costa, Maria Goreti Rosa-Freitas, Pantelis Tsouris, A. Townsend Peterson, Nildimar Alves Hon├│rio, Ducin├⌐ia Barros de Aguiar, M├⌐rcia Eliane de Arruda, Sim├úo Dias Vasconcelos, and Jos├⌐ Francisco Luitgards-Moura. “An Ecoregional Classification for the State of Roraima, Brazil: The Importance of Landscape in Malaria Biology.” Journal Articles. Memórias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 102 (2007): 349–58.
Peterson, A. T. “Application of Molecular Clocks in Ornithology Revisited.” Journal Articles. Journal of Avian Biology 37 (2007): 541–44.
Nunes, Maria Fl├ívia Conti, Mauro Galetti, Stuart Marsden, Ricardo Scachetti Pereira, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Are Large-Scale Distributional Shifts of the Blue-Winged Macaw (Primolius Maracana) Related to Climate Change?” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 34 (2007): 816–27.
Ortiz-Pulido, Ra├║l, Adolfo G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, H├⌐ctor G├│mez de Silva Garza, A. Townsend Peterson, and Octavio R. Rojas-Soto, eds. Avifaunas Estatales de México; Http://Www.Huitzil.Net/Aeindice.Htm; Book Published in Serial Form. Books. Pachuca: Universidad Aut├│noma del Estado de Hidalgo, 2007.
Nakazawa, Yoshinori, Richard Williams, A. Townsend Peterson, Paul Mead, Erin Staples, and Kenneth L. Gage. “Climate Change Effects on Plague and Tularemia in the United States.” Journal Articles. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 7 (2007): 529–40.
Peterson, A. T. “Disease Ecology: Community Structure and Pathogen Dynamics [Review].” Journal Articles. Emerging Infectious Diseases 13 (2007): 184.
Navarro-Sig├╝enza, Adolfo G., A. Lira-Noriega, A. T. Peterson, Adan Oliveras de Ita, and A. Gordillo-Mart├¡nez. “Diversidad, Endemismo y Conservación de Las Aves.” Book Chapters. In Biodiversidad de La Faja Volc├ínica Transmexicana, edited by I. Luna, J. J. Morrone, and D. Espinosa. Mexico, D.F.: Las Prensas de Ciencias, 2007.
Levine, Rebecca S., A. Townsend Peterson, Krista L. Yorita, Darin Carroll, Inger K. Damon, and Mary G. Reynolds. “Ecological Niche and Geographic Distribution of Human Monkeypox in Africa.” Journal Articles. PLoSONE 2 (2007): e176.
Kambhampati, S., and A. T. Peterson. “Ecological Niche Conservation and Differentiation in the Wood-Feeding Cockroaches, Cryptocercus, in the United States.” Journal Articles. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 90 (2007): 457–66.
Peterson, A. T., and ├ürp├íd Ny├íri. “Ecological Niche Conservatism and Pleistocene Refugia in the Thrush-like Mourner, Schiffornis Sp., in the Neotropics.” Journal Articles. Evolution 62 (2007): 173–83.
Pennington, D. D., D. Higgins, A. Townsend Peterson, Matthew B. Jones, B. Lud├ñscher, and S. Bowers. “Ecological Niche Modeling Using the Kepler Workflow System.” Book Chapters. In Workflows for E-Science, edited by I. J. Taylor, E. Deelman, D. B. Gannon, and M. Shields, 91–108. Berlin: Springer, 2007.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Ecological Niche Modelling and Understanding the Geography of Disease Transmission.” Journal Articles. Veterinaria Italiana 43 (2007): 393–400.
De Meyer, M., M. P. Robertson, A. T. Peterson, and M. W. Mansell. “Ecological Niches and Potential Geographic Distributions of Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis Capitata) and Natal Fruit Fly (Ceratitis Rosa).” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 35 (2007): 270–81.
Batalden, Rebecca V., K. S. Oberhauser, and A. T. Peterson. “Ecological Niches in Sequential Generations of Eastern North American Monarch Butterflies: The Ecology of Migration and Likely Climate Change Implications .” Journal Articles. Environmental Entomology 36 (2007): 1365–73.
Broennimann, O., U. A. Treier, H. M├╝ller-Sch├ñrer, W. Thuiller, A. Townsend Peterson, and A. Guisan. “Evidence of Climatic Niche Shift during Biological Invasion.” Journal Articles. Ecology Letters 10 (2007): 701–9.
Peterson, A. T., and E. Mart├¡nez-Meyer. “Geographic Evaluation of Conservation Status of African Forest Squirrels (Sciuridae) Considering Land Use Change and Climate Change: The Importance of Point Data.” Journal Articles. Biodiversity and Conservation 16 (2007): 3939–50.
Peterson, A. T. “Geographic Variation in Size and Coloration in the Turdus Poliocephalus Complex.” Journal Articles. Scientific Papers of the University of Kansas Natural History Museum 40 (2007): 1–17.
Peterson, A. T., B. W. Benz, and M Pape┼ƒ. “Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza: Entry Pathways into North America via Bird Migration.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 2 (2007): e261.
Banks, William E, Francesco dΓÇÖErrico, A. Townsend Peterson, Marian Vanhaeren, Masa Kageyama, Pierre Sepulchre, Gilles Ramstein, Anne Jost, and Daniel Lunt. “Human Ecological Niches and Ranges during the LGM in Europe Derived from an Application of Eco-Cultural Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (2007): 481–91.
Waltari, E, R.J. Hijmans, A. Townsend Peterson, A.S. Nyari, S.L. Perkins, and R.P. Guralnick. “Locating Pleistocene Refugia: Comparing Phylogeographic and Ecological Niche Model Predictions.” Journal Articles. PLoS ONE 2 (2007): e563.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Monica Pape┼ƒ, Darin S. Carroll, Herwig Leirs, and Karl M. Johnson. “Mammal Taxa Constituting Potential Coevolved Reservoirs of Filoviruses.” Journal Articles. Journal of Mammalogy 88 (2007): 1544–54.
Ullah, M. I., G. Amarnath, M. S. R. Murthy, and A. T. Peterson. “Mapping the Geographic Distribution of Aglaia Bourdillonii Gamble (Meliaceae), an Endemic and Threatened Plant, Using Ecological Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. Biodiversity and Conservation 16 (2007): 1917–25.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Richard Williams, and Guojun Chen. “Modeled Global Invasive Potential of Asian Gypsy Moths (Lymantria Dispar).” Journal Articles. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 125 (2007): 39–44.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Philippine Bird Taxonomy and Conservation, a Response to Collar.” Journal Articles. Bird Conservation International 17 (2007): 1–5.
Brisbin, I. L., Jr., and A. Townsend Peterson. “Playing Chicken with Red Junglefowl: Identifying Phenotypic Markers of Genetic Purity in Gallus Gallus.” Journal Articles. Animal Conservation 10 (2007): 429–35.
Peterson, A. T., and M. Pape┼ƒ. “Potential Geographic Distribution of the Bugun Liocichla Liocichla Bugunorum, a Poorly-Known Species from North-Eastern India.” Journal Articles. Indian Birds 2 (2007): 146–49.
Pearson, R. G., C. Raxworthy, M. Nakamura, and A. T. Peterson. “Predicting Species’ Distributions from Small Numbers of Occurrence Records: A Test Case Using Cryptic Geckos in Madagascar.” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 34 (2007): 102–17.
Lira-Noriega, Andr├⌐s, Jorge Sober├│n, Adolfo G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, Yoshinori Nakazawa, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Scale-Dependency of Diversity Components Estimated from Primary Biodiversity Data and Distribution Maps.” Journal Articles. Diversity and Distributions 13 (2007): 185–95.
Kluza, D. A., D. A. Vieglais, James K. Andreasen, and A. T. Peterson. “Sudden Oak Death: Geographic Risk Estimates and Predictions of Origins.” Journal Articles. Plant Pathology 56 (2007): 580–87.
S├ínchez-Gonz├ílez, L. A., A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza, and A. T. Peterson. “Taxonomy of Chlorospingus Ophthalmicus in Mexico and Northern Central America.” Journal Articles. Bulletin of the British OrnithologistsΓÇÖ Club 127 (2007): 34–49.
Peterson, A. T., Thomas M. Brooks, A. Gamauf, J. C. T. Gonzalez, N. A. D. Mallari, G. C. L. Dutson, and B. Fernandez. “The Avifauna of Mt. Kitanglad, Bukidnon Province, Mindanao, Republic of the Philippines.” Journal Articles. Fieldiana Zoology 114 (2007): 1–43.
NCEAS Species Distribution Modeling Group, C.H. Graham, J. Elith, R. Hijmans, A. Guisan, A. T. Peterson, and B.A. Loiselle. “The Influence of Spatial Errors in Species Occurrence Data Used in Distribution Models.” Journal Articles. Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (2007): 239–47.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Robb T. Brumfield, Robert G. Moyle, Arpad Nyari, J. V. Remsen Jr., and Mark B. Robbins. “The Need for Proper Vouchering in Phylogenetic Studies of Birds.” Journal Articles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45 (2007): 1042–44.
Navarro-Sig├╝enza, A. G., A. Townsend Peterson, M. A. Puig-Samper, and G. Zamudio. “The Ornithology of the Real Expedición Botánica a Nueva España (1787-1803): An Analysis of the Manuscripts of José Mariano Mociño.” Journal Articles. Condor 109 (2007): 808–23.
Peterson, A. T. “Three New Records from Lubang Island, Philippines.” Journal Articles. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 2007.
Peterson, A. T., M Pape┼ƒ, and M Eaton. “Transferability and Model Evaluation in Ecological Niche Modeling: A Comparison of GARP and Maxent.” Journal Articles. Ecography 30 (2007): 550–60.
Guisan, A., Jane Elith, C. H. Graham, S. J. Phillips, A. T. Peterson, and N. E. Zimmermann. “What Matters for Predicting Spatial Distributions of Trees: Techniques, Data, or Species’ Characteristics?” Journal Articles. Ecological Monographs 77 (2007): 615–30.
Peterson, A. T. “Why Not WhyWhere: The Need for More Complex Models of Simpler Environmental Spaces.” Journal Articles. Ecological Modelling 203 (2007): 527–30.
Anci├úes, M., and A. T. Peterson. “Climate Change Effects on Neotropical Manakin Diversity Based on Ecological Niche Modeling.” Journal Articles. Condor 108 (2006): 778–91.
Mart├¡nez-Meyer, E., and A. T. Peterson. “Conservatism of Ecological Niche Characteristics in North American Plant Species over the Pleistocene-to-Recent Transition.” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 33 (2006): 1779–89.
Peterson, A. T., and A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Consistency of Taxonomic Treatments: A Response to Remsen (2005).” Journal Articles. Auk 123 (2006): 885–87.
Banks, W. E., F. DΓÇÖErrico, H. L. Dibble, L. Krishtalka, D. West, D. I. Olszewski, A. T. Peterson, et al. “Eco-Cultural Niche Modeling: New Tools for Reconstructing the Geography and Ecology of Past Human Populations.” Journal Articles. PaleoAnthropology 2006 (2006): 68–83.
Peterson, A. Townsend. “Ecological Niche Modeling and Spatial Patterns of Disease Transmission.” Journal Articles. Emerging Infectious Diseases 12 (2006): 1822–26.
Mart├¡nez-Meyer, E., A. T. Peterson, J. Serv├¡n, and L.F. Kiff. “Ecological Niche Modelling and Prioritizing Areas for Species Reintroductions.” Journal Articles. Oryx 40 (2006): 411–18.
Sweeney, A. W., N. W. Beebe, R. D. Cooper, J. T. Bauer, and A. T. Peterson. “Environmental Factors Associated with the Distribution and Range Limits of the Malaria Vector Anopheles Farauti Sensu Stricto in Australia.” Journal Articles. Journal of Medical Entomology 43 (2006): 1068–75.
Benz, B. W., M. B. Robbins, and A. T. Peterson. “Evolutionary History of Woodpeckers and Allies (Aves: Picidae): Placing Key Taxa on the Phylogenetic Tree.” Journal Articles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40 (2006): 389–99.
Mohamed, K. I., J. F. Bolin, L. J. Musselman, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Genetic Diversity in Striga and Implications for Control and Future Distributions.” Book Chapters. In International Symposium on Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 5-11, 2006., edited by Gebisa Ejeta and Jonathan Gressel, 71–84. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2006.
Peterson, A. T., R. R. Lash, Darin S. Carroll, and K. M. Johnson. “Geographic Potential for Outbreaks of Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever.” Journal Articles. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 75 (2006): 9–15.
Mohamed, K. I., M. Pape┼ƒ, Richard Williams, B. W. Benz, and A. T. Peterson. “Global Invasive Potential of 10 Parasitic Witchweeds and Related Orobanchaceae.” Journal Articles. AMBIO 35 (2006): 281ΓÇô288.
Ny├íri, Arpad, C. Ryall, and A. T. Peterson. “Global Invasive Potential of the House Crow (Corvus Splendens) Based on Ecological Niche Modelling.” Journal Articles. Journal of Avian Biology 37 (2006): 306–11.
Peterson, A. T., M. Pape┼ƒ, Mary G. Reynolds, Neil D. Perry, Britta Hanson, Russell L. Regnery, Christina L. Hutson, I. K. Damon, and Darin S. Carroll. “Invasive Potential of Cricetomys Rats in North America.” Journal Articles. Journal of Mammalogy 87 (2006): 427–32.
Zambrano, Luis, E. Mart├¡nez-Meyer, N. Mendes, and A. T. Peterson. “Invasive Potential of Exotic Aquaculture Fish in American Freshwater Systems.” Journal Articles. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 63 (2006): 1903–10.
Gaubert, Philippe, M. Pape┼ƒ, and A. T. Peterson. “Natural History Collections and the Conservation of Poorly Known Taxa: Ecological Niche Modeling in Central African Rainforest Genets (Genetta Spp.).” Journal Articles. Biological Conservation 130 (2006): 106–17.
Elith, J, CH Graham, R.P. Anderson, M Dud├¡k, S Ferrier, A Guisan, R.J. Hijmans, et al. “Novel Methods Improve Prediction of Species’ Distributions from Occurrence Data.” Journal Articles. Ecography 29 (2006): 129–51.
Robbins, M. B., A. T. Peterson, Arpad Nyari, Guojun Chen, and T. J. Davis. “Ornithological Surveys of Two Reserves in Guangxi Autonomous Region, China, 2004-2005.” Journal Articles. Forktail 22 (2006): 140–46.
Bonaccorso, E., I. Koch, and A. T. Peterson. “Pleistocene Fragmentation of Amazon Species’ Ranges.” Journal Articles. Diversity and Distributions 12 (2006): 157–64.
Roura-Pascual, N., A. V. Suarez, C. G├│mez, P. Pons, Y. Touyama, A. L. Wild, K. McNyset, F. Gascon, and A. T. Peterson. “Potential Geographic Distribution, Ecological Niche Differentiation, and Fine-Scale Regional Projections for Argentine Ants Based on Remotely-Sensed Data.” Journal Articles. Ecological Applications 16 (2006): 1832–41.
Fonseca, Rafael Luis, Paulo Roberto Guimar├úes Jr, S├⌐rgio Rodrigues Morbiolo, Ricardo Scachetti-Pereira, and A. Townsend Peterson. “Predicting Invasive Potential of Smooth Crotalaria (Crotalaria Pallida) in Brazilian National Parks Based on African Records.” Journal Articles. Weed Science 54 (2006): 458–63.
Peterson, A. T. “Taxonomy Is Important in Conservation: A Preliminary Reassessment of Philippine Species-Level Bird Taxonomy.” Journal Articles. Bird Conservation International 16 (2006): 155–73.
Peterson, A. Townsend, Victor S├ínchez-Cordero, Enrique Mart├¡nez-Meyer, and A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Tracking Population Extirpations via Melding Ecological Niche Modeling with Land-Cover Information.” Journal Articles. Ecological Modelling 195 (2006): 229–36.
Peterson, A. T. “Uses and Requirements of Ecological Niche Models and Related Distributional Models.” Journal Articles. Biodiversity Informatics 3 (2006): 59–72.
Anderson, R. P., A. T. Peterson, and S. L. Egbert. “Vegetation-Index Models Predict Areas Vulnerable to Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria) in Kansas.” Journal Articles. Southwestern Naturalist 51 (2006): 471–80.
Peterson, A. T., L. Canseco-M├írquez, J. L. Contreras-Jim├⌐nez, G. Escalona-Segura, O. Flores-Villela, J. Garc├¡a-L├│pez, B. E. Hern├índez-Ba├▒os, et al. “A Preliminary Biological Survey of Cerro Piedra Larga, Oaxaca, Mexico: Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians, and Plants.” Journal Articles. Anales Del Instituto de Biologia, U.N.A.M. 75 (2005): 439–66.
S├ínchez-Cordero, Victor, Patricia Illoldi-Rangel, Miguel Linaje, S. Sarkar, and A. T. Peterson. “Deforestation and Extant Distributions of Mexican Endemic Mammals.” Journal Articles. Biological Conservation 126 (2005): 465–73.
S├ínchez-Cordero, V., A. T. Peterson, E. Mart├¡nez-Meyer, and Rita Flores. “Distribución de Roedores Reservorios Del Virus Causante Del Sindrome Pulmonar Por Hantavirus y Regiones de Posible Riesgo En México.” Journal Articles. Acta Zoológica Mexicana 21 (2005): 79–91.
Peterson, A. T., and Daniel A. Kluza. “Ecological Niche Modeling as a New Paradigm for Large-Scale Investigations of Diversity and Distribution of Birds.” Book Chapters. In Third International Partners in Flight Conference, March 20-24, 2002, edited by C. John Ralph and Linda Long, PSW-GTR-191:1201–4. Asilomar, California: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, 2005.
Komar, Oliver, B. J. OΓÇÖShea, A. T. Peterson, and A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Evidence for Latitudinal Sexual Selection among Migratory Birds Wintering in Mexico.” Journal Articles. Auk 122 (2005): 938–48.
L├│pez-C├írdenas, J., F. E. Gonz├ílez-Bravo, P. M. Salazar-Schettino, J. C. Gallaga-Sol├│rzano, E. Ram├¡rez-Barba, J. Mart├¡nez-M├⌐ndez, V. S├ínchez-Cordero, A. T. Peterson, and Janine M. Ramsey. “Fine-Scale Predictions of Distributions of Chagas Disease Vectors in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico.” Journal Articles. Journal of Medical Entomology 42 (2005): 1068–81.
Peterson, A. T., C. Cicero, and J. Wieczorek. “Free and Open Access to Distributed Data from Bird Specimens: Why?” Journal Articles. Auk 122 (2005): 987–90.
Roura-Pascual, N., A. Suarez, C. G├│mez, P. Pons, Y. Touyama, A. L. Wild, and A. T. Peterson. “Geographic Potential of Argentine Ants (Linepithema Humile Mayr) in the Face of Global Climate Change.” Journal Articles. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271 (2005): 2527–35.
Peterson, A. T., and A. G. Navarro-Sig├╝enza. “Hundred-Year Changes in the Avifauna of the Valley of Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico.” Journal Articles. Huitzil 7 (2005): 4–14.
Sober├│n, Jorge, and A. T. Peterson. “Interpretation of Models of Fundamental Ecological Niches and Species’ Distributional Areas.” Journal Articles. Biodiversity Informatics 2 (2005): 1–10.
Peterson, A. T. “Kansas Gap Analysis: The Importance of Validating Distributional Models before Using Them.” Journal Articles. Southwestern Naturalist 50 (2005): 230–36.
Peterson, A. T., H. Tian, Enrique Mart├¡nez-Meyer, Jorge Sober├│n, Victor S├ínchez-Cordero, and B. Huntley. “Modeling Distributional Shifts of Individual Species and Biomes.” Book Chapters. In Climate Change and Biodiversity, edited by T. E. Lovejoy and L. Hannah, 211–28. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2005.
Peterson, A. Townsend, and I. Lehr Brisbin Jr. “Phenotypic Status of Red Junglefowl Gallus Gallus Populations Introduced on Pacific Islands.” Journal Articles. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 125 (2005): 59–61.
Peterson, A. T. “Predicting Potential Geographic Distributions of Invading Species.” Journal Articles. Current Science 89 (2005): 9.
Hinojosa-D├¡az, I. A., O. Y├í├▒ez-Ord├│├▒ez, Guojun Chen, and A. T. Peterson. “The North American Invasion of the Giant Resin Bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae).” Journal Articles. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 14 (2005): 69–77.
Heaney, Lawrence R., J. S. Walsh Jr., and A. T. Peterson. “The Roles of Geological History and Colonization Abilities in Genetic Differentiation between Mammalian Populations in the Philippine Archipelago.” Journal Articles. Journal of Biogeography 32 (2005): 229–47.
Peterson, A. T., Carmen Mart├¡nez-Campos, Y. Nakazawa, and Enrique Mart├¡nez-Meyer. “Time-Specific Ecological Niche Modeling Predicts Spatial Dynamics of Vector Insects and Human Dengue Cases.” Journal Articles. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99 (2005): 647–55.
Bauer, J. T., and A. T. Peterson. “Visualizing Environmental Correlates of Species’ Geographic Range Limits.” Journal Articles. Diversity and Distributions 11 (2005): 275–78.
Komar, Oliver, M. B. Robbins, G. Guzm├ín-Contreras, B. W. Benz, K. Klenk, B. J. Blitvich, N. L. Marlenee, et al. “West Nile Virus Survey of Birds and Mosquitoes in the Dominican Republic.” Journal Articles. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 5 (2005): 120–26.
Wiley, E. O., and A. T. Peterson. “Biodiversity and the Internet: Building and Using the Virtual World Museum.” Book Chapters. In Environmental Online Communication, edited by A. Scharl, 91–99. London: Springer-Verlag, 2004.
Moyer, B R, A. Townsend Peterson, and D. H. Clayton. “Influence of Bill Shape on Ectoparasite Load in Western Scrub-Jays.” Journal Articles. Condor 104 (2002): 675–78.
Selected Presentations —
Peterson, A. T. (12/1/2015). Digital Accessible Knowledge about Biodiversity and Choosing Sites for Conservation Action. Symposium on Biodiversity Informatics. Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, Addis Ababa
Peterson, A. T. (11/4/2015). Game Over Before It Starts: Data Leakage Impedes Linking Biodiversity Data to Niche and Distribution Models. Biodiversity Informatics and Modelling Species Distributions. American Museum of Natural History, New York
Peterson, A. T. (10/15/2015 - 10/18/2015). Biodiversity Informatics: Melding Large-scale Data Streams to Characterize, Study, and Conserve Biodiversity Worldwide. BioCon 2015. Lima, Peru
Peterson, A. T. (9/28/2015). Building Capacity via In-person Training and Online Digital Materials: The Biodiversity Informatics Training Curriculum. TDWG: Biodiversity Data Standards. Nairobi, Kenya
Exhibitions —
Division of Ornithology. University of Kansas Natural History Museum. Lawrence. KS. 1998 - 2005
World Biodiversity Information Network. 1997 - 2005
Ornithological collections. University of Kansas Natural History Museum. Lawrence. KS. 2001
Division of Ornithology. University of Kansas Natural History Museum. Lawrence. KS. 1999
Division of Ornithology. University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute. 1994 - Present
Awards & Honors —
Julie Denslow Prize
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Phi Beta Delta, honor society for international scholars
2015 - Present
2015 - Present
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Biodiversity Informatics Training Curriculum. JRS Biodiversity Foundation. $420000.00. (12/31/2012). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded. PI/PD
Fulbright Fellowship. Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, Campinas, Brazil. (12/31/2012). Federal. Status: Funded
Effects of Global Sea Level Rise on Biodiversity in the United States. U.S. Department of Energy. $100000.00. (12/31/2009). Federal. Status: Funded. DOE.
Predicting Distributions of Rare Rhododendron Species in Northeastern India. American Rhododendron Society. $6000.00. (12/31/2009). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Forecasting Emerging Zoonotic Disease Transmission. NIH 0061497. National Institutes of Health/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. $1180000.00. (12/31/2008). Federal. Status: Funded
MRI: Acquisition of an Advanced Computational Infrastructure for Modeling Biological Systems. CNS-0821625. National Science Foundation. $300000.00. (12/31/2008). Federal. Status: Funded
Programming Support for Biodiversity Informatics Activities. National Biological Information Infrastructure, U.S. Geological Survey. $345000.00. (12/31/2008). Federal. Status: Funded. PI/PD
Avian Influenza Risk Assessment for the United States, A Workshop to Examine Alternative Data Streams and Modeling Approaches. U.S. Department of Agriculture. $200019.00. (12/31/2007). Federal. Status: Funded
Avian Influenza Surveillance in Africa and Asia. Wildlife Conservation Society. $248000.00. (12/31/2007). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Biodiversity Research in New Guinea. Wildlife Conservation Society. $30000.00. (12/31/2007). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Modeling the Potential Distribution of Mosquito Vectors of Infectious Human Diseases. GEIS GD0018_08_WR. Global Emerging Infections Surveillance, U.S. Department of Defense. $167000.00. (12/31/2007). Federal. Status: Funded
Dissertation Improvement Grant for Elisa Bonaccorso. DEB-0508910. National Science Foundation. $12000.00. (12/31/2005). Federal. Status: Funded. PI/PD.
Novel Approaches to Gap Analysis. National Biological Information Infrastructure, U.S. Geological Survey. $220000.00. (12/31/2005). Federal. Status: Funded. PI/PD.
Remote-sensing Approaches to Mapping Tree Distributions and Phenology in the Peruvian Amazon. World Wildlife Fund. $45000.00. (12/31/2005). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded. For M. Papes; PI/PD.
Biodiversity Surveys in the Southern Borderlands of the PeopleΓÇÖs Republic of China. DEB-0344430. National Science Foundation. $750000.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. PI/PD.
Bioterrorism Risk Analysis. Department of Defense. $1800000.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. Senior Investigator.
ORNIS: A Community Effort to Build an Integrated, Distributed, Enriched, and Error-checked ORNithological Information System. DBI-0345448. National Science Foundation. $1565000.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. PI/PD
$1,500,000; Research Opportunity Award supplement, $65,000
ITR Collaborative Research: Enabling the Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge. National Science Foundation, ITR Collaborative Research. $12500000.00. (12/31/2002). Federal. Status: Funded. Senior Investigator [with many others]
Tools for Predicting Spatial Patterns of SpeciesΓÇÖ Invasions. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. $66000.00. (12/31/2002). Federal. Status: Funded
National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure, Earth Systems Science division. $66000.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded
Alternative techniques for Modeling Geographic Distributions of Species. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. $78000.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded
Determining Habitat Suitability within Predicted Spatial Patterns of Invasive Species. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. $60000.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded
Invasive Species Modeling. U.S. Department of State/National Biological Information Infrastructure. $30000.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded
Monitoring and predicting the spread of West Nile Virus in the northern Neotropics. National Science Foundation. $100000.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded
Purchase of specimen cabinets for addition of the Southwestern College Collection to the University of Kansas Natural History Museum bird collection. National Science Foundation. $35000.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded
Analyzing Invasive Species and Potential Invasibility in the United States. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. $109000.00. (12/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded
Extension of Distributed Database Network to Europe. National Science Foundation. $100000.00. (12/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded
Testing New Methodologies for Gap Analysis. U.S. Geological Survey. $15000.00. (1/1/1999 - 12/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded
The FISHNET Distributed Biodiversity Information System. National Oceanographic Partnership Program. $500000.00. (12/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded
Biodiversity Consequences of Global Climate Change in Mexico. DEB-9711621 supplement. National Science Foundation supplement to "Biodiversity Consequences of Global Climate Change in Mexico". $10000.00. (12/31/1999). Federal. Status: Funded
Improvement for the Ornithology Collections, University of Kansas Natural History Museum. DEB-9876825. National Science Foundation, Biological Research Collections. $153000.00. (12/31/1999). Federal. Status: Funded
Training in Distributed Database Technology and Synthetic Analytical Applications for Sharing and Understanding Biodiversity Information. World Bank. $50000.00. (12/31/1999). Foreign (company, govt, agencies, etc.). Status: Funded
Distributed Information Network for Avian Biodiversity Data. DEB-9808739 supplement. National Science Foundation, Database Activities in the Biological Sciences. $500000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded
Effects of Temporal Scale and Fragmentation on Populations of Montane Birds in Mexico. National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Program. $6824.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. On behalf of David M. Watson.
Prediciendo la diversidad de las aves de la Cuenca del Balsas. Consejo Nacional Para el Uso y Conocimiento de la Biodiversidad, Mexico. $8325.00. (12/31/1998). Foreign (company, govt, agencies, etc.). Status: Funded. On behalf of Patricia Feria; Adjunct professor at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Further Enhancement of a Federal Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Node at the University of Kansas. U.S. Geological Survey Geospatial Data Clearinghouse. $48000.00. (12/31/1997). Federal. Status: Funded
The Biodiversity Consequences of Global Climate Change. DEB-9711621. National Science Foundation, Methods and Models for Integrated Assessment. $350000.00. (12/31/1997). Federal. Status: Funded
Predicting Geographic Distributions of Neotropical Birds. Kansas Science and Technology Advanced Research. $45000.00. (12/31/1996). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Predicting Geographic Distributions of Neotropical Birds. National Geographic Society. $10000.00. (12/31/1995). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Biological Inventory of the Chimalapas, Oaxaca, Mexico. Comisión Para el Uso y Conocimiento de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), Mexico. $80000.00. (12/31/1994). Foreign (company, govt, agencies, etc.). Status: Funded. With Adolfo Navarro and four others; Adjunct professor at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; $80,000 to UNAM.
Mexico: Biological Inventory of the La Cañada Region, Oaxaca, Mexico. World Bank/Secretaria de Desarrollo Social, Mexico. $50000.00. (12/31/1993). Foundation. Status: Funded. With Silvia Salas and four others; Adjunct professor at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; $50,000 to UNAM.
Terrestrial Vertebrates of the Montane Forests of Oaxaca, Mexico: An Intensive Biological Inventory. DEB 9496128/9200863. National Science Foundation, with U.S. Agency for International Development supplementary grant. $169000.00. (12/31/1992). Federal. Status: Funded
Disease Vector Species Identification Services. University of Kansas Research Investment Council. $420000.00. (1/1/2012). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
Ecological Niche Modeling in Theory and Practice. Microsoft Research. $550000.00. (1/1/2007). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Fulbright Specialists Program: Wildlife Institute of India, Public Health Specialist. Submitted 1/1/2016. Federal. Status: Funded
IGERT: C-CHANGE: Climate Change, Humans, and Nature in the Global Environment. DGE-0801522. National Science Foundation. $3000000.00. (1/1/2008). Federal. Status: Funded
Monkeypox Ecology: An Integrated Approach to Investigations of the Sylvatic Reservoirs of Human Monkeypox. 1R01TW008859-01. National Institutes of Health. $1995000.00. (1/1/2010). Federal. Status: Funded
ORNIS: A Community Effort to Build an Integrated, Distributed, Enriched, and Error-checked. DBI-0345448. National Science Foundation. $1571567.00. (1/1/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. PI/PD.
Training in Biodiversity Informatics across Africa. JRS Biodiversity Foundation. $410000.00. (1/1/2012). Foundation. Status: Funded
Visions of the Valley of Mexico Through Time: Revisiting the Landscape Paintings of José María Velasco. The Commons. $15000.00. (1/1/2011). Federal. Status: Funded