Raymond John Pierotti

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Haworth Hall, room #7008
Biography —
Dr. Ray Pierotti's research investigates the evolutionary biology of vertebrates with male parental care and socially monogamous breeding systems.
Research —
I collect data on individual variation in behavioral and ecological aspects of parental care. My primary question is how an individual organism becomes successful at reproduction and contributes to future generations. My research focuses on two genera of monogamous vertebrates: the avian genus Larus (gulls), and the mammalian genus Canis (wolves, coyotes, dogs).
Selected Publications —
Fogg, Brandy R., MA, Nimachia Hernandez PhD, and Raymond Pierotti PhD. “Relationships between Indigenous American Peoples and Wolves 1: Wolves as Teachers and Guides.” Journal Articles. Journal of Ethnobiology 35, no. 2 (2015): 262–85.
Stevens, Lois, MA, and Raymond Pierotti PhD. “Review Essay Eating The Landscape: American Indian Stories of Food, Identity, and Resilience. by Enrique Salmon. 2012. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Pp. 160. $17.95 (Paper). ISBN 978-0-8165-3011-3.” Book Reviews. Ethnobiology Letters . USA, 2015.
Benedict, Michael, MA, Kelly Kindcsher PhD, and Raymond Pierotti PhD. “Learning From the Land: Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives into the Plant Sciences. .” Book Chapters. In Strategies for Teaching in the Plant Sciences, Springer Publications, NY, NY
C. Quave (Editor) ., 135–54, 2014.
Pierotti, Raymond, PhD, and Cynthia A Annett PhD. “Curricular Materials on Breathing, Evolution and Health .” Other. Kansas City, Kansas Saturday Academy, July 2014. https://sites.google.com/site/kcksaturdayacademyactivities/breathing-ev….
Pierotti, Raymond, PhD, Cynthia A Abbett PhD, Diana Restrepo-Osorio MA, and Loren McCray MD. “Evolution Course Materials for Secondary School Students. .” Other. KU/Kansas City Kansas Public Schools Summer Academy, May 2014. https://sites.google.com/site/kcksaturdayacademyactivities/2014-ku-summ….
Pierotti, Raymond, PhD, Cynthia A Annett PhD, and Bau Lau BA. “Genetic Variation Course Materials for Secondary School Students. .” Other. KU/Kansas City Kansas Public Schools Summer Academy., May 2014. https://sites.google.com/site/kcksaturdayacademyactivities/2014-ku-summ….
Pierotti, Raymond. “Visiting the Subconscious: Behavioral and Evolutionary Aspects of Sleep. .” Other. KU/Kansas City Kansas Public Schools Summer Academy., May 2014. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1muvlDedyW0OMDCQZEktW67quLOJUVk6….
Pierotti, Raymond. “A Tapestry, Not a Tree. .” Other. Science Online Comments. USA: AAAS, February 2014. http://comments.sciencemag.org/content/10.1126/science.1243650#comments.
Aucott, Jennfer, BA, and Raymond Pierotti PhD. “Effects of Paedomorphosis on Signaling Behaviors in Dyadic Encounters of the Domestic Dog. .” Journal Articles. Journal of Undergraduate Research: 66-74. 2012–2013 (2014): 66–74. http://issuu.com/kuresearch/docs/journal_of_undergraduate_research-2.
Pierotti, Raymond, PhD, and Cynthia A Annett PhD. “We Probably Thought That Would Be True: Perceiving Emotional States in Nonhumans.” Book Reviews. Ethnobiology Letters 5: 15-21. USA, January 2014.
Pierotti, Raymond. “A Native American Science Curriculum.” Other, 2010. http://http:/www.nativeamericanscience.org.
Pierotti, Raymond. “Sustainability of Natural Populations: Lessons from Indigenous Knowledge.” Journal Articles. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 15 (2010): 274–87.
Pierotti, Raymond, PhD. “Sharing Place - An Indigenous Perspective on Life. .” Book Chapters. In Trevor Goward, Ed. Speak to the Wild: Reimagining Canada. , edited by Trevor Goward. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Regina Press., Accepted/In Press.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Culturally Informed Informal STEM Teaching. NSF . Pending 48 months. $1474576.00. Submitted 11/4/2015 (7/1/2016 - 6/30/2020). Federal. Status: Proposal Submitted. This proposal seeks to continue the KU/KCK Public Schools Summer Academy and to conduct research on the effectiveness of the curriculum on STEM learning in Underrepresented Groups of students