Robert H Hagen

- Lecturer
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Department Phone:
Malott Hall #3038A
Biography —
I am a native of western Washington state. I graduated from the University of Washington with a B.S. degree in Cellular & Molecular Biology. (At the time there was no "ecology" or "environmental science" undergraduate degree program.) I moved to New York for graduate work, completing a Ph.D. in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University under Dr. Paul Feeny. My dissertation research was focused on evolution and host-plant relationships of the tiger swallowtail butterflies. I continued that research as a post-doc at Michigan State University, working with Dr. Mark Scriber. I have been at the University of Kansas since 1992, teaching courses in biology and environmental studies and working as researcher and support staff in the Kansas Biological Survey and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Since 2011, I have been a full-time lecturer and Field Education Coordinator for the Environmental Studies Program.
Research —
My current research is primarily in the area of insect community ecology, with additional projects focused on deer populations and their effects on forest succession, and on environmental monitoring. Most of my work is based at the University of Kansas Field Station. All of my current research is linked to my undergraduate teaching and mentoring work.
Research interests:
- entomology, community ecology, undergraduate research.
Teaching —
My teaching duties include Field Ecology (EVRN 460), a required course for Environmental Studies majors, and additional courses for the Environmental Studies program, such as those offered through the KU Academic Accelerator Program. I also help faculty and staff develop, manage, and teach outdoor field components of other undergraduate and graduate courses in various units of the College and professional schools.
Teaching interests:
- Field Education Coordinator
- Field Ecology
Selected Publications —
Hagen, R. (2016). KU Prairie Acre Vegetation Survey
Results of 2015 Fieldwork.
Hagen, R. (2015). 2015 Marvin Grove Tree Inventory
Conducted by Students in Field Ecology (EVRN 460).
Service —
I work with community partners to develop and enhance environmental field trip opportunities for K-12 students. With KU faculty colleagues, I have developed workshops for K-12 STEM teachers. I have also served as president of the Kansas (Central States) Entomological Society, and as a member of the Lawrence, Kansas, Traffic Safety Advisory Board.